This is the archived Please refer to for our activities from September 2017 onwards.


Tranche de Vie

Mette Edvardsen / Sumalin Gijsbrechts / Presentatie Posture Editions / Reidemeister Move / Kajsa Sandström, Ulrika Berg & Frédéric Alstadt / Wim Waelput

FR 21.10 2011 — 20:30

In Mette Edvardsen’s solo performance, Black, the space is empty. Edvardsen explores time and space where only the body is physically present. By dancing with invisible objects the performer attempts to bridge the vast chasm between thought and experience.

During L’inconnu, the exhibition by Nikolaas Demoen, the debut issue of Posture editions will be released. The presentation of this new series of artists publications will be followed by an intervention by the actress / dancer, Sumalin Gijsbrechts, who has participated in productions with Miet Warlop and Ben Benaouisse.

In the performance Listen with your skin, see with your ears (WORKNG TITLE) Kajsa Sandström & Ulrika Berg, together with sound-artist Frederic Alstadt, explore the relationship between sound and movement, between dance and the body in space.

Reidemeister Move is the duo Robin Hayward (tuba microtonal F) and Christopher Williams (double bass). Borromean Rings is a composition based on circular scales by Hayward.