This is the archived Please refer to for our activities from September 2017 onwards.


Sonia Si Ahmed & Maya Dalinsky

The Greater Ones

TU 08.05 2012 — 16:00-17:00
WE 09.05 2012 — 16:00-17:00
TH 10.05 2012 — 16:00-17:00
FR 11.05 2012 — 15:30-17:30
SA 12.05 2012 — 15:30-17:30

The Greater Ones are one-to-one encounters between a performer and a spectator. Maya Dalinsky and Sonia Si Ahmed create performances that involve the spectator in a game over territory. These performances are part of a larger project called The Greater, an ongoing investigation into the nature of power. These intimate scenes beg the question: How do we create or divide community through our individual behavioral choices? Both spectator and performer confront their personal comfort level when dealing with power.

Please make a reservation: or 053 70 97 73. Each one-to-one performance lasts about 20 minutes.