This is the archived Please refer to for our activities from September 2017 onwards.

extra muros group exhibition


SA 12.09 — SU 13.09 2015
SA 19.09 — SU 20.09 2015
SA 26.09 — SU 27.09 2015

Voorkamers nr 39, 41, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57
- a project by Voorkamer in collaboration with Netwerk

Voorkamer | kunstenaarsinitiatief creates, in collaboration with Netwerk, a contemporary art tour in “chambers” within homes in the Stationsstraat in Ninove, initiated and organized by the residents themselves.

Jens Brand / Koba De Meutter / Reinhard Doubrawa / Rein Dufait / Paul Gees / Frederic Geurts / Bart Maris / Emmanuelle Quertain / Sarah & Charles / Patricia Smith / Hannelore Van Dijck / Stephen Verstraete / Kris Vleeschouwer / Wim Wauman

For years the residents of the Stationsstraat have pursued action to safeguard the historical mansions in their street. Now they want to temporarily unlock these pieces of urban heritage for artists and visitors. During three weekends they present “the chambers”, the most beautiful rooms of the houses, open to the public and at the same time placing Ninove on the map as a place for contemporary art in the (semi-) public space. Fourteen artists create new works or integrate existing works in these otherwise private rooms.

Thanks to the residents, the artists, Erik Neven, Ben Schokkaert, Paul Lagring, Koninklijke fanfare De Verbroedering, Heidi Pollier and the Locomotief staff.

Supported by Stad Ninove, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, BNP Paribas Fortis Ninove, kapperscentrale LISAB, Planet Eco, Lichtadvies, Future Soft, Com1 Computerstore, Bieren Slaghmuylder