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SA 18.09 — SU 07.11 2010 open tu till su, 14:00 → 18:00
SA 18.09 2010 — 20:30 Preview

Glenn Davidson from Artstation has been active in the art world since the late seventies. Because of his interest in conceptual art and sharing authorship that was linked to the emergence of new media art, he developed a practice that focuses on systems rather than objects. For several years he examines how, for example, SMS traffic functions. In Netwerk he presents all the messages sent by his son over a period of six months: in this case thousands and thousands of messages. As such the artist is trying to actually grasp the continuous series of pulses and fingered submissions, not just pertaining to the life of his son, but also that of many others.

The exhibition is a part of the European project Interreg IVa ‘2 Mers Seas Zeeën’ Cross-boarder cooperative programme 2007-2013. This project is a cooperation between Aspex (Portsmouth), Boem vzw (Kunst & Zwalm), Fabrica (Brighton), L’H du Siège (Valenciennes), La Malterie (Lille) and Netwerk (Aalst). United by the motto ‘Investing in your future’ sustainable strategies for audience paticipation are developed.