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Aglaia Konrad

Desert Cities

Aglaia Konrad, Eric Denis, Lionel Devlieger, Brigitte Franzen, Miles Glendinning

Aglaia Konrad focuses a direct gaze on cities such as Cairo, Alexandria, and Anwar el Sadat. This is not classic architectural or documentary photography: her way of seeing things is unadorned and draws our attention straight to the history of the real setting. The photographs show the application of “modernist” principles to architectural development in desert landscapes. They spotlight an improbable dialogue between imported models and vernacular elements, constructions and sites, desert and communities, modernity and tradition.

€ 48.00
isbn: 978-3-905829-59-4
pages: 236
publisher: Le Presses Du Réel
year: 2008

These items can be ordered via or +32 53 709 773.

Aglaia Konrad — Desert Cities