This is the archived Please refer to for our activities from September 2017 onwards.


Myths in the Making

Les Maîtres Fous / Christian Kravagna / Olivier Marboeuf / Vincent Meessen / Mehdi A. / La Prière

FR 20.01 2012 — 20:30

Politics, colonialism and migration play a major role in the work of Lidwien van de Ven, Vincent Meessen and Mohamed El baz. During this debate the artists themselves highlight their various modus operandi.

The installations / performances of Mehdi A. are in permanent evolution, uninspected and free of exemplary conventions. He creates lively and active moments for the audience, intended to create meetings, to urge people to be part of the artistic process, to share the protagonist with each other. He proposes new work entitled Universal Attraction. This installation will be activated by a performance on the event and can be visited until 2 March.

Christian Kravagna is an arthistorian, art critic and curator, professor of postcolonial studies at the Academy for Fine Arts in Vienna. He’s a curator for Kunstraum, Lakeside in Klagenfurt in Austria. His subjects of research are mondalisation, globalization and art, postcolonial studies, Institution criticism. He contributes various articles in art magazines and exhibition catalogues, such as Das Museum als Arena. Institutionskritische Texte von Künstler/innen/, Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2001.

Les Maîtres Fous (1955) by Jean Rouch, is a milestone in the history of anthropology and documentary. This impressive short documentary follows a group of young men who evade the modern city life of Accra (Ghana) to undergo a series of exhaustive physical and mystical rituals.

Olivier Marboeuf, director of Espace Khiasma will give a lecture, titled Deuxième Vie. He was the curator and coproducer of the exhibition My Last Life of Vincent Meessen in Espace Khiasma.

The film La prière by Florence Lazar questions religion as a performative and transcultural practice in the public space. The artist is primarely interested in our ways of looking and the different strategies of representation. Her recent work has been filmed in the Parisian suburbs (Clichy Montfermeil), and in her area Barbès in Paris.

i.c.w. La malterie (Lille) and Espace Khiasma (Paris).